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Beatriz Gomez Leonardo, CMP

Hello and welcome to my blog / website! I am so happy you are here :)


This is all sooooooo new to me, but I am glad to be taking this leap. I hope you join me for the me it will be fun, light, easy and delicious!


I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, entrepreneur, certified event professional, and home cook. I spent my 20+ year career in the events, hospitality and tourism industry which has been quite tragically decimated by the pandemic.  Things are looking up and we must move onwards and forwards.  Many people decided that  now was a good time as ever to try new things, learn new hobbies, even change careers.  I'm no different - I am teaching again at George Brown College in their Hospitality and Tourism Program on a part time basis, and I'm embarking on this new venture  where I get to share my love for cooking at home.


I have always enjoyed my time in the kitchen. I love food, my kitchen and my gadgets and gizmos. I found myself in the kitchen even more over the last 18 months and with the persuasion of a lovely friend (JG...I'm looking at you!), I decided to jump in and share my passion for cooking simple, delicious and fresh food.  I frequently share pictures of my home cooked creations on social media  and the comments are typically the same..."yum," "looks so good," "can you come cook for me," "recipe please!"  So here I am!



I don't plan on giving you exact recipes for much of what I cook. I know that sounds really weird for a home cooking blog. I just don't really follow recipes to the word, but rather use them to inspire me. I will share my own steps, ingredients, tools and methods and explain to you step by step how I create our meals at home. From time to time, I will share some of my most favourite recipes that are frequent go-tos for me. I will also share tips, tricks, equipment, gadgets and gizmos. And in an effort to be fully transparent, I will be using affiliate links.


As the website and blog grows, I will add an online store offering the best of home goods, as well as a special event page full of tips, tricks, and local partners.


Welcome to Bea's Kitchen...where the food is simple, delicious and beautiful. 


Note:  I am the photographer as well as the cook and the blog writer.  All pictures are of food I have made myself.  Please be kind, I am not a professional writer, cook or photographer.  Thank you for visiting and your support.  


Love, Bea

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